function jf45irv4(input) # # input.wav is the sample to be processed, pickup left, mic right diary logfile.txt; diary on; # IR generation: ss = (2^17); # ~3 second segment size for analysis nstep = 1; # segment step ~3 seconds nstart = 3; # index into .wav in segments, ~6 seconds nlast = 9; # up to 7 segments checked for suitable SNR & no clip count = 0; # initialize good segment count nzcount = 0; # initialize near zero count accirfftnnz = zeros(ss,1); # initialize no near zero IR accumulator window = (.42-.5*cos(2*pi*(0:ss-1)/(ss-1))+.08*cos(4*pi*(0:ss-1)/(ss-1)))'; # Blackman # for n = nstart:nstep:nlast # process segments start = (((n-1) * ss) + 1); finish = (n * ss); [s,fs] = audioread([input,'.wav'],[start, finish]); # load segment smax = max(max(s)); clip = (smax > 0.999); # check for clipping toolow = (smax < 0.178); # more than 15 dB down # if(clip == 1) ['clipping detected'] end # if(toolow == 1) ['low SNR detected'] end # if (clip == 0 && toolow == 0 && count < 4) # per segment IR pickup = s(:,1) .* window; mic = s(:,2) .* window; pupfft = fft(pickup); micfft = fft(mic); pupfftnnz = pupfft; micfftnnz = micfft; nearzero = 10^(-65/20)*abs(max(pupfft)); # ~0 is -65dB from peak # for m = 1:1:ss # if (abs(pupfft(m)) < nearzero) # Check near 0 div nzcount = nzcount + 1; # Count near 0s (pos & neg freq) pupfftnnz(m) = 1; # erase near zero micfftnnz(m) = 1; # erase near zero end end irfftnnz = micfftnnz ./ pupfftnnz; # segment IR=FFT(mic)/FFT(PUP) accirfftnnz = accirfftnnz + irfftnnz; # accumulate segment IRs count = count + 1; # increment processed segment count end # if (count == 4) break; end end # if(count == 0) ['Zero Segments Processed due to Clip/Min errors'] return; end # irnnz = ifft(accirfftnnz/count); # calc average IR over processed segments ir2048nnz = irnnz(1:2048); # truncate to 2048 # avgnzcount = nzcount / (count*2); # pos freq avg near zero count per seg ['Processed Segments = ',num2str(count)] ['Average Near Zero per Segment = ',num2str(avgnzcount)] ['Sample Rate = ',num2str(fs)] # filename = ['jf45ir ',input,'.wav']; audiowrite(filename,ir2048nnz,fs); # write IR # irrms=abs((sum(ir2048nnz.*ir2048nnz))^0.5); ['IR RMS = ',num2str(irrms)] ['IR[0] = ',num2str(ir2048nnz(1))] # ir2048nnz7525=(ir2048nnz*0.75); # 75/25 IR ir2048nnz7525(1)=ir2048nnz7525(1)+(irrms*0.25); filename = ['jf45ir7525 ',input,'.wav']; audiowrite(filename,ir2048nnz7525,fs); # ir2048nnz5050=(ir2048nnz*0.5); # 50/50 IR ir2048nnz5050(1)=ir2048nnz5050(1)+(irrms*0.5); filename = ['jf45ir5050 ',input,'.wav']; audiowrite(filename,ir2048nnz5050,fs); # ir2048nnz00100=(ir2048nnz*0); # bypass IR ir2048nnz00100(1)=ir2048nnz00100(1)+(irrms*1); filename = ['jf45irBypass ',input,'.wav']; audiowrite(filename,ir2048nnz00100,fs); # # IR Frequency Plot fftir2048nnz = fft(ir2048nnz); # FFT IR for frequency plot y = 20*log(abs(fftir2048nnz(2:1024))); # print frequency plot x = fs*(1:1023)/2048; semilogx(x,y); xlim([20 15000]); xlabel('Hz'); filename = ['FFTjf45ir ',input,'.jpg']; ylabel([filename,' dB']); print(filename,'-djpeg'); # close; diary off;